these are my thoughts...

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Two days

So here I am, two days before I leave for college and I have one bag packed. I guess I'm putting it off just to keep hold of the familiar a little bit longer. But I need to face the reality that the familiar is no longer going to be the familiar. I'm going to be going off and sleeping in new places, eating in new places, and befriending new people. As much as I'm going to miss what I have now I know that God has a plan for me and that may be something unfamiliar too, but it's His perfect plan. I was just thinking this week how much easier my life would be if I was still a little kid with not a care in the world, and life would be easier, but I would still be a little kid. Every time God has called me out of my comfort zone, the familiar, He has helped me slowly become the person that I am today. I can't say that I'm an adult, but I know that I'm not a little kid any more and I'm thankful for that, even when it hurts or means I have to take responsibility. So I think I'm going to go pack...