these are my thoughts...

Monday, September 05, 2005

I know

So I'm really excited because I know that this school is where God wants me to be. I knew that but I was kind of wondering why, and last night God showed me. It was about 1:15 and I was still lying in my bed wishing I could just go to sleep when I heard a nock on the door. One of our unit leaders came in and said put on jeans, a sweatshirt and tennis shoes. My roomie and I both thought we knew what was going to happen. We thought they were going to make us go out and do something REALLY stupid to initiate us. I was ok I can deal with this because I knew it would probably happen, due to rumors all over campus. Well we went into our lounge and were blindfolded and led to a car. The car ride was about 10 minutes and I had scenarios running through my head about what they were going to do to us. We arrived at our destination, got out of the cars and took our blindfolds off. There was about 100 girls standing around and we were at a park. Our leader came up and handcuffed us to the other people that were in our car and we proceeded to walk down to this little pond. Our resident director shared how they felt like God was calling them to have a ceremony to meet God face-to-face and be set free from bondage. A couple of the unit leaders shared some specific areas where they were in bondage and he is setting them free. Then we sat there and searched our hearts for the things we hadn't yet given up and wrote them on a piece of paper and put them in a bucket of red water sybolizing Christ's blood. After all of that we had an hour long worship service. It was amazing just to be able to seek and praise God at 2 in the morning under His stars! I am so thankful for my resident director because she initiated us into something of worth, not just a dorm but a family of believers who want to know us, love us and see us grow.


Blogger Faithful Joy said...

That's awesome, Autumn. That's a memory-maker instead of an ice-breaker! The Lord is going to contimue to honor you for your obedience to Him. It took a great deal of Faith to step out into the unknown like you did! You are an amazing wonder.

9:06 AM


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