these are my thoughts...

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Journey

I'm really getting settled in here. I even called it home today! That was weird! But seriously God has been showing me so many things about my future already! I went to a little get together at Adam and Mindy Pierce's house and they had a missionary come in and speak about what God is showing her and how he has impacted her and changed her thought process. She shared some stories that were devistating about other cultures she has been to. She was talking about how God is just telling her to seek Him, ask Him questions, trust Him, just totally focus on Him and what He has for her, and some of the things she's been through aren't at all ideal. But she continues to trust Him. She sees the journey that He has for her. As she was saying all of this I was thinking about what I could do on mission trips during school breaks and after I get out of college to help the people she was talking about, and then I started thinking about how confining school seemed. It just seems like I will never be able to do very much, at least while I'm in school, because I am always stressed about doing good and that leaves me no time and I also worry that I won't be smart enough. Then God started telling me how this is part of my mission. Doing good in these classes will someday help someone who is sick. He also reminded me that He called me to be a nurse. He will pull me through even if I'm not smart enough because he is smart enough and that's all that matters. I am living out God's perfect plan for my life now. I don't have to wait until I get out of college to start my life calling. I am continually in the journey.


Blogger Faithful Joy said...

Hang on to the revelation you received tonight! It takes some people years and years to see how God uses each step of the journey to prepare for the future. He is so faithful! "God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called." Each of us have more to learn than we even realize. You are so precious! Keep seeking His face!

9:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, you are definitely smart enough. You are also caring enough, passionate enough, obedient enough, sensitive enough... I could go on & on. I've never been surprised at the calling you've sensed. It seems such a perfect fit (aside from, of course, taking care of my kids!) I'm so glad to hear you are adjusting well. We've been praying for you! Maia even prayed for you the other night at bedtime. We miss you!

1:54 PM


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